I love long focal lengths. The Zenzanon PS 150mm f/4 is my favorite lens for the Bronica, and I also own the 250mm f/5.6 (see all my camera gear). But they come with their fair share of problems: size, weight and cost.
That's why I bought a 2x teleconverter a few months ago. I thought the combination of 150mm + teleconverter could replace the 250mm and make for a lighter system.
Turns out, I didn't really use it too much. I believe I only took it out once and I didn't love the results: image quality seemed worse than using just a regular lens and contrast wasn't as good.
To make matters worse, I had (and still have) a hard time every time I want to take the lens off of it. It might be my copy of the teleconverter, or just me not knowing how to do it.
One of the few images I took with the teleconverter. Mt Hood, August 2017.
I tried to sell it in eBay, but never got any buyer, not even an offer. Since it looked like I was going to lose the money invested (not a lot -$100-, but still...) I decided to just keep it. And it's been there, on a shelf or in a bag, since then.
But now that we are moving overseas and the amount of stuff I can (or should) bring with me is limited, I started to think I might have been unfair with the teleconverter. So I'm faced again with the same question: teleconverter or long lens?
Option A: I keep the lens and try to sell the teleconverter again, at a loss or even having to give it away. I like the quality and performance of the 250mm lens, but it's big and heavy.
Option B: I get over the fact that the teleconverter seems to offer worse image quality, and the loss of 1 stop of light respect to the 250mm, as tradeoffs for having a lighter, friendlier to my back, camera bag. Selling the 250mm should be easier as well, and I might even get as much money as I paid for it last summer.
I'm going to be testing both -lens and teleconverter- in the coming days and probably weeks before making this decision. Time is running out for one of them. But who will it be?