Scanning color film
Since I started shooting medium format, I've only felt inspired to shoot that special roll of Portra 400 I had in my camera bag in one place: the Mojave Desert. There's nothing like that desert color palette.
That was months ago, but after developing it last week, I finally sat down and scanned it this morning.
- Scanning color film can a bit of a pain. Getting the right tones is not easy.
- Once again, and it's happened to me at every lab I've tried so far, the negatives were full of dust and other imperfections. I do a better job developing mine at home!
- Even though I have another roll of Portra in my camera bag now, I don't think I'll be using it any time soon. I had my doubts in the past when I switched to black and white "full-time", but monochrome has become the way I think and see, and my absolute favorite medium to create my images.
Almost, but not there yet
More test prints, still not there
For the last two weeks, I've been working hard on printing some of my images. I believe that the goal of photography is the print hanging on the wall, so it's something I want to do and I want to do it as soon as possible.
But I also want to do it the right way, and create the highest quality prints I can. So far, and 50+ test prints later, I haven't succeeded.
New old Holga
The Holga is back. Blame Kenna.
I should have never let it go.
This week, I received a copy of Michael Kenna's new book: "Holga". And of course I ordered a new Holga camera the minute I laid the book back on the table.
Returning to Portland this week
I'm flying to Portland tomorrow, first visit since we left 4 months ago. I'll be renting a car and going to many of the places I've missed so much, weather permitting.
I'm going to be there for just 5 days (3 full ones), but it will be nice to be back.