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Photographing a storm

I really didn't want to wake up, it was still early and I needed the sleep if I wanted to catch the sunrise as I had planned. But the storm insisted, getting louder and the lightning more often and brighter. It was relatively close and the whole bedroom would light up.

Bye, sunrise. I got up and set up the camera. The storm moved away quickly, but before it did, I was able to get a couple of good shots.

Update: How to take exposures like these.

It's impossible to time the lightning, set the camera to continuous shooting, shutter speed to something between 3-4 seconds and use a remote. Let the camera take photos for a few minutes until you get one. Check the exposure and make sure you are not clipping highlights too much. If so, decrease ISO or aperture, try to keep the shutter speed at 3-4 seconds.

I used 3.2", ISO 800 and f/7.1 for these two.